
SurveyMonkey Apply Icon Legend

The icons within SM Apply are commonly referenced within the articles of our Help Center. This article serves as a legend of these icons to help you understand the steps to perform certain actions within your site.

Logo-Site_Dashboard.pngSurveyMonkey logoReturns the user to the Site Dashboard
Search.pngSite Search ToolQuick search for users, applications, or reports within your site
2017-05-02_1556_001.pngAward RibbonReturns the user to the Site Dashboard
reportbuilder.pngReportsSelect for access to Reports where new reports can be created and existing reports can be regenerated
Manage_Users.pngManage UsersDirects the user to the Manage Users page
activityfeed.pngActivity FeedClick to navigate to the site Activity Feed 
2017-05-11_0939.pngSettingsSelect to reveal an array of pages that contribute to the layout and content of your site
More_Options.png More OptionsSelect this icon to reveal more options
More_options_Vertical.pngMore OptionsSelect this icon to reveal more options
3-7-2017_2-40-00_PM.png Edit IconSelect this icon to Edit that feature
Program_Settings.png Program SettingsSelect to access Program Settings
Workflow.png Workflow DesignerSelect to access the Workflow Designer
Automations.pngAutomationsSelect to access the Automations page
tile.png Grid ViewWithin the Site Dashboard, select to switch the view of your programs to grid view
List_View.pngList ViewWithin the Site Dashboard, select to switch the view of your programs to list view
Move_Stage.png Move IconSelect and drag to rearrange tasks within the workflow designer
Dashboard.pngDashboardSelect to access the Dashboard of the Program
Applications_Icon.pngManage ApplicationsSelect to access Manage Applications
Reviews_Icon.pngManage ReviewsSelect to access Manage Reviews
2017-05-17_1452.pngHiddenCommunicates that the feature is hidden from users
branchingicon.pngBranching WizardSelect within a form to create and edit branching rules