
PAID FEATURE: Integrations are only available on paid plans.

You can use the Twitter integration to send a tweet when a form receives an entry.

Imagine you’re using a Wufoo form to collection participant information for a paintball match you’re organizing. If you’d like to share a link to the report that shows who’s coming, you could link your Wufoo form to your Twitter account. That way your followers could receive up-to-the minute information about your event.

All you need to use this integration is an existing form. Optionally, include a field that collects an URL to be included in your tweet.

  1. Log in and go to Forms.
  2. To the right of the form,
    • If you're using legacy Wufoo, Edit then click Add integrations.
    • If you're using the new Wufoo experience, click the More icon and then click integrations.
  3. Select Twitter from the dropdown menu and click Add Integration.
  4. In the new box that appears, click Connect to Twitter.
  5. In the window that opens, log into your Twitter account. If this window doesn’t appear, make sure your browser is not blocking popups from Wufoo.
  6. In the integration, you can modify the Message that is tweeted when someone fills out your form. You can use template tags in this message. Make sure your message is less than 120 characters. If you're including a link you'll want to make sure your message is short enough to accommodate your link.
  7. If you're including a link in your tweet, using the Insert Link drop down. Select Entry in Wufoo to include a link to the entry that triggered your tweet or select Custom URL and enter the URL you want to include into the box that appears.
  8. Click Save.
400 The URI requested is invalidThe Twitter user no longer exists. Try recreating your integration.
401 Invalid KeysYou must re-authenticate. On your integration click “Change Settings”, then “Change Twitter Account”. Save your settings and retry the integration.
404 Something is BrokenWufoo needs to contact Twitter, because something bad has happened. Please contact support.
420 Rate Limit ReachedYou’re trying to do something too often. You should not see this error. If you do, please contact support.