
Dropdown is a closed-ended field type where people can select only one answer from a menu of choices—ideal for presenting a long list of options without cluttering your form.

Sample of the dropdown field.

The following limits apply when you create a Dropdown field:

  • Each answer choice must be 150 characters or less.
  • You can add a maximum of 300 answer choices per Dropdown field

The Dropdown field type supports the following Field Settings:

When you make a Dropdown field required, you also have to set a default choice that people must change in order to submit the form successfully. In other words, if someone leaves the the default choice selected, Wufoo will consider the field unanswered, and prompt the person to choose an answer for that field in order to submit their entry.

To require an answer to a Dropdown field:

  1. Click the Dropdown field to open its Field Settings.
  2. In the Choices section, add a choice that will be your empty, default answer. You can leave this blank, or enter text like "Select one" or even "----"—anything that indicates that the choice is just a placeholder choice meant to be changed by the person filling out your form.
  3. In the Options section, click Required.
  4. In the Choices section, click the radio button next to the default answer choice you created in Step 2—the choice will be highlighted yellow to indicate that it's the default choice.
  5. Click Save Form.