
Protecting Your Wufoo Account & Data

At Wufoo, we take your privacy and security seriously. But there are also tips and best practices that you should follow—in Wufoo, and anywhere on the web—to keep your account and data safe and secure.

Never share your password

You should be the only one who knows your password. If you need to work with multiple people on a form, add users so everyone has their own account, with their own username and password.

If you suspect your account has been accessed by someone else, change your password immediately.

Create strong, hard-to-guess passwords

A great password is one that's easy for you to remember, but hard for others to guess. Always avoid using things like dictionary words, names, birthdays, common dates, and other obvious words or phrases like the name of the website the password is for. A good password contains at least 8 characters and has numbers, upper and lowercase, as well as special characters.

Using a mnemonic is another great way to create complex and memorable passwords—just memorize a phrase and base your password on the first letter of each word. For example, if you like to run in the park three times a week, your password could be ritp3Xaw!

Don't use the same password for other sites

Avoid using a password you've already used in the past—for Wufoo, or any other service.

Update your password frequently

It's always a good idea to change your password regularly—at least every 90 days. Your password expires one year after the last time you changed it—when it expires, we’ll require you to reset it the next time you log in.

Make sure your email account is secure

Follow the tips above for your email password too. If the email address listed on your Wufoo account isn't secure, and someone gets into your email account (like Gmail, Yahoo!, or Facebook), they could reset your email passwords and gain access to other online accounts (like Wufoo).

Avoid using generic, role-based, list-serv email addresses like info@, admin@, or sales@yourcompany.com for your Wufoo account. Instead, you should use an email address that only you can access. You can change your email address from the My Account page.

Restrict access to shared data

You can manage user permissions so that only some users in your account can see data from your forms. You can also make reports public or private.