
How to Set Up your SMTP Server

By default, emails that are sent out from the site are sent from the SurveyMonkey Apply servers. Even if you have a Custom Sender Address these emails will be sent out through our servers. However, you have the option to configure the site to send out emails from your own servers. The following article will cover how setting up your own SMTP server can be useful and walk through the setup process within your SM Apply site.

The reason setting up your own SMTP server within the site can be beneficial is because when emails are sent out from SurveyMonkey Apply they abide by the Junk/Spam and other security filters set up by the receiver of the email. Unfortunately, this can mean that if the email address is not recognized by the recipients' email domain, it can get lost in their Junk/Spam folder or be completely blocked from their inbox.

However, if emails are being sent out from your own servers you have more control over the email delivery and there may be a greater chance of emails being received by users as they are more likely to recognize your email address.

To access the SMTP settings within your site:

  1. Go to Settings
  2. Click on Emails
  3. Go to SMTP Settings

In order to send emails through your own servers, you will first need to connect your site to your SMTP server.

Your Host, Port, Username, and Password will be provided to you within your own email settings.

To set up your SMTP settings:

  1. Access your SMTP Settings
  2. Enable "Use custom SMTP server"
  3. Set up your Host
  4. Enter the applicable Port to match your Host
  5. Enter your Username
  6. Enter your Password
  7. Optional: Select Require TLS/SSL. This will be dependent on the Port you chose and should be accessible through your own email settings.
  8. Click Send Test Email to send an email to your Administrator Account to test the connection of your server

TIP! Once your SMTP server has been set up successfully, any restrictions on the number of emails that can be sent out at a time will need to be configured within your server settings. We would recommend contacting your IT representative responsible for your email server in order to ensure your SMTP server settings are set up correctly.