
How to Add and Manage Pages

Pages are used to convey information and associated material to visitors of your site. This article will cover the basics of default pages as well as how to add and manage additional pages to be used as resources for users with select roles.

Pages are managed by site administrators and are completely customizable. Images, files and other content can be added to these pages to tailor the content to your users while following the same theme and layout as rest of your SM Apply site. To access your existing pages or to create a new page you will first need to go to the Pages section of your site.

To access Pages:

  1. Select the Settings menu
  2. Select Pages
Image showing where to access pages.

ages are added to provide informational resources for users within the site. They can be made available to all visitors or targeted to specific roles. For example, pages can be accessible by applicants to provide instructions or templates needed to complete their applications. Alternatively, pages can be accessible only to reviewers in order to provide score sheets or benchmarks to assist with completing reviews. There are three areas where pages can be added: the Public Portal, the Applicant Portal, and the Reviewer Portal. These areas are described in more detail later in this article.

Image of menu bar showing where to find portals.

Common features and settings appear when creating or editing a new page. To prep you for creating your own pages, refer to the descriptions below.

Image showing screenshot of fields to create a page.
TitleThe title page that appears to the visitor.
Menu LabelThis label is presented in the Pages menu and will redirect a user to this page when selected.
Page SlugThis value completes the URL of the page to direct users successfully. The layout of this URL will be
ContentThe text input here can contain pictures, links, lists, etc. to design the page for your users. Page content can be edited at any time.
VisibilityEnable one of two settings to adjust the visibility of the page to users within your site.Hidden:Hidden pages do not appear in the Pages menuCannot be accessed even when a direct link is providedVisible:Visible pages are displayed in the taskbar at the top of the user's screen. Visible pages made available to certain roles will only appear for users with that role. For example, applicants cannot see reviewer pages and reviewers cannot see applicant pages.
Hide from menu (Unlisted)Unlisted pages are accessible only with a direct link to the page. This can be in the form of a hyperlink displayed in through hyperlink text or a link sent through emailPage will be hidden from the user's Pages menu

The Public Portal is the first tab within the Pages section. Within this tab, administrators can customize various pages available to anyone visiting the site (including non-members). There are three configurable areas within the Public Portal tab:

Public pages are added from this location.

To add a Public Page:

  1. Go to Pages
  2. Select Add Page
  3. Add a Page title
  4. Add a Menu label (this is the title that will appear in the Pages drop-down menu on the home screen)
  5. Customize your page slug. It is only required to add the ending of the URL which will appear after
  6. Build your page in the content text box
  7. Select Preview to review your page
  8. Select Save

The selected page will act as the site homepage where users will sign in or choose to register for an account.

To edit your site homepage:

  1. Locate your selected homepage within the Site pages & menu section of the Public Portal
  2. Select the More Options icon
  3. Select Edit
  4. Edit the content and preview to review your changes
  5. Select Save

Enabling Redirect homepage to a specific program allows you to display a program's landing page as your homepage. The contents of this page can be edited from the Program Settings (link) by editing the Full Description of the program you are redirecting to. When a program's homepage is used, the login fields will be presented on the page to allow visitors to sign in.

Image showing the homepage redirect.

TIP! This setting is useful to advertise a specific program accepting applications and can be ideal when a site hosts only a select number of programs that do not run simultaneously.

Selecting a page in this section will determine where your program list will appear for visitors to your site. This list will consist of all available programs within your site at that point in time.

If you don't want your programs publicly listed, check the "No listing page" option.

There are two default application pages as well as any additional applicant pages you wish to add as resources for your applicants.

Default pages are required and cannot be deleted.

The two default applicant pages are:

My ApplicationsThe "My Applications" page displays a summary of the user's applications including their progress, status and date the application was last edited.
ProgramsA list of programs applicants can apply to if they meet eligibility requirements.

See How to Edit Pages for step by step instructions to edit default pages.

Additional application pages will be displayed as additional resources to applicants only. Pages marked as visible will be accessible from the taskbar at the top of the page when the user signs in or by accessing the page URL directly. Some examples of pages that may be added here are instruction pages to complete an application, information on the award process, and templates for completing a specific task.

To add additional applicant pages:

  1. Select Add Page
  2. Create a Page title
  3. Add a Menu label. This will be the title of the resource within the Pages dropdown menu in the user's taskbar.
  4. Customize the unique page slug. It is only required to add the ending of the  URL which will appear after
  5. Build your page in the content text box
  6. Select Preview to review your page
  7. Select Save
Image of location of the feature to add new applicant pages.

The pages found here are only visible to users with a reviewer role. Within this section, you will be able to edit the single default reviewer page and edit/create any pages to be visible solely to users with a reviewer role.

Default pages are required and cannot be deleted.

There is one default reviewer page:

Review AssignmentsThe reviewer dashboard displays all of the reviewers' assigned applications.

See How to Edit Pages for step by step instructions to edit default pages.

Additional reviewer pages will be available within the Pages drop-down for the user once they are signed in or by selecting a link to a page you have added. Some examples of pages that would be presented to reviewers could be scoring rubrics, instructions to complete a review or a database of fellow reviewers.

To add additional reviewer pages:

  1. While in Pages, select the Reviewer Portal tab
  2. Select Add Page
  3. Create a Page title
  4. Add a Menu label. This will be the title of the resource within the Pages dropdown menu in the user's taskbar.
  5. Customize the unique page slug. It is only required to add the ending of the  URL which will appear after
  6. Build your page in the content text box
  7. Select Preview to review your page
  8. Select Save
Image showing where to find instructions to add additional pages.

To edit a page:

  1. Select the More Options icon in line with the page's title
  2. Select Edit
  3. Edit the content or settings
  4. Select Save

To delete a page:

  1. Select the More Options icon
  2. Select Delete
  3. Confirm to delete the page

To duplicate a page:

  1. Select the More Options icon
  2. Select Duplicate

Default pages cannot be duplicated. All duplicated pages will have their URL slightly updated as every page must have a unique location.