
Form Question Types: Overview

SurveyMonkey Apply has 16 different question types to help you collect the data you need within a form task. These questions have different input fields or type of responses the user can enter resulting in more than 16 question configurations. It’s important to choose the right question and configuration so you can collect usable data.

Form responses help automate your workflow, assign applications to reviewers, and more. For example, if the user’s GPA is greater than 4.0, you can automate, or move, the applicant to the next round. Keep that in mind when choosing a question type.

Think about the data analysis you want to perform before you build your form. For example, if you collect text responses, you’ll gain more insight, but limit your ability to analyze data in a graph or chart.

Open-Ended Questions, such as a text response, allow you to gain a bit more insight into your users. You can make a text response question Multiline in order to ask your users to give longer responses or write an essay within the form and even set word limits on the responses they give.

Closed-ended questions, such as multiple choice, or dropdown, etc., allow you to ask your users questions and force them to give a specific answer. This can allow you to then report on how many users chose choice 1 vs choice 2. It also allows you to place a Score or value on the response the user gave or even create an automation based on their response.

Section Headings are great for adding additional text and headings within the form, however, there are a few limitations to them compared to the rest of the question types.

  • Create an Advanced Branching Rule based off of them
  • Filter users or applications based on a section heading
  • Add a section heading to a report

Question types fall under basic and advanced question type categories.

  • Basic questions are the most common and have a straightforward setup.
  • Advanced questions require a bit more time and configuration to setup.

Each question will have its own setup and configurations available. You can refer to the articles linked below based on the Question type you wish to set up.