
JavaScript Question

SurveyMonkey Apply provides the ability to include your own JavaScript code. The JavaScript question type allows for all such code to live under one location. The JavaScript question type is perfect for those who can program in JavaScript.

The JavaScript question type provides the following features and functionality:

  • You can group your JavaScript code into a single place for each page of your form. This makes it easy to locate and work with.
  • A built-in JavaScript editor complete with syntax highlighting
  • Use our JavaScript builder to change the core components of the question types on your current form page
  • Administrators can show/hide the JavaScript code in preview mode
  1. Within your form, click on the Questions tab
  2. Under Advanced Questions, double-click or click and drag the JavaScript question to add it to your form.
  3. Optional: Add an Identifier to your question
  4. Enter the ScriptName
  5. Set +Options
  6. Create your Script
The available JavaScript question options settings.
Limit PiperUse a simplified piper list.
Remove Question IDsLimit piper list to piped variables and question answers.