
Automation FAQ

It is recommended that automation titles follow a predetermined format for organization and efficiency, in case changes need to be made at a later date. Common formats are:

"The Action: Brief Summary of the Automation"


"Activation -> Action"

For example, if an automation is used to move an application to another review stage based on a response in a ranking form, the automation could be named:

"Move: Approved Application to Follow-Up Review"


"Upon Approval - > Move to Follow-Up Review Stage"

 This title allows any administrator within the site to search and modify the automation easily should any changes be made to the program's process in later cycles.

The main purpose of this formatting is to allow you to organize and manage your automations.

TIP! If your automation performs multiple actions, be sure to include both actions in your title to help you find it later. An example of this would be "Move & Email: Application Form Completed."

When many automations have been added to a single program, it is easy to become overwhelmed when trying to locate a specific automation. It is recommended to make use of Automation Folders to help with their organization. Adding folders with titles such as "Move," "Emails," and "Date Activation" are some examples based on actions your automations will perform, but you may find that it is more practical to name folders following the custom application labels or statuses you have created for your programs.

To create a new folder from the Automations page:

  1. Select the Folders icon
  2. Select Create New
  3. Add a name for the Folder
  4. Select OK

To add an automation to a folder from the Automations page:

  1. Mark the automation
  2. Select Folders
  3. Select the folder that best describes your automation

NOTE: Automations can only be associated with one folder at a time.

To view a searchable log of previous instances where automations have fired, administrators can select the View Logs icon from the Automations page. This can be helpful for troubleshooting applications that did not follow the process as expected and to determine if an automation fired/misfired for an application.

The log will display:

  • the title of the automation
  • the activation that caused the automation to fire
  • the date and time it fired
  • the title of the application the automation is Related to
  • the name of the actor who caused the automation to fire.

For more in-depth information, refer to Automation Logs.

When an automation is created it must be ACTIVE in order for it to fire.

To activate an automation from the Automation Page:

  1. Select the automation you wish to activate
  2. Select the Actions icon
  3. Select Activate

To activate an automation from the Stage Automation page:

  1. Select the automation you wish to activate
  2. Select the Actions icon
  3. Select Activate

To activate an automation from within the automation:

  1. Click on the Toggle at the bottom of the page
  2. Save your Automation

To deactivate an automation from the Automations Page:

  1. Select the automation you wish to deactivate
  2. Select the Actions icon
  3. Select Deactivate

To deactivate an automation from the Stage Automation page:

  1. Select the automation you wish to deactivate
  2. Select the Actions icon
  3. Select Deactivate

To deactivate the automation within the automation:

  1. Click on the Toggle at the bottom of the page
  2. Save your Automation

Duplicating an automation can be time efficient especially when an automation is very similar, but has slightly different rules from the parent automation.

  1. Hover your cursor over the automation you wish to duplicate and select the Ellipses icon
  2. Select Duplicate
  1. Select the automations from the table
  2. Select Actions
  3. Click Duplicate
  1. Hover your cursor over the automation you wish to duplicate and select the Ellipses icon within the Actions column
  2. Select Delete
  3. Confirm deletion

If you notice that an automation hasn't fired as expected for an application, check that the following points apply:

  • The application was submitted after the automation was created. If you've recently created the automation, it will not work retroactively.
  • The application meets the conditions. If the conditions are based on form responses, ensure that all applicable conditions are being met at the time the automation. This is the most common reason that an application hasn't fired.
  • The automation is active.