
Activity Log Reports

During the lifecycle and when a program has been completed, many customers have a requirement to maintain archived activity log data for quick reference, auditing purposes, and quality control. Instead of combing through the existing logs within SurveyMonkey Apply, Administrators can now export the data from the site for external storage and review if required. 

  1. Click Reports (located in the navigation bar at the top of your SMA Admin Dashboard)
  2. Click + Create in the top right-hand corner
  3. Give your report a name
  4. Select “Activity Log” as the data to include
  5. Select the date range you’d like to include in the report from the dropdown at the top of the report building (by default, reports will generate the last 7 days of data).
  6. Select the columns you'd like to include in the Report
  7. Click Save or Save & Export to immediately pull the information.

Please note that due to the nature of this report type, Activity Log Reports can only be viewed by the Admin that created it. This is to ensure only Admins with specific access can target application data pertaining to individual programs.