
How to Push Attachments to Salesforce

If the selected Salesforce object type supports it, and if it is a Push action, you will be able to specify any file attachments that should be synced. File attachments are synced separately from the fields themselves, and the newly created Attachment object in Salesforce will be linked to the created record.

In order to push an attachment to Salesforce

  1. Go to your Salesforce Integration
  2. Click on the name of the Integration
  3. Click to Edit or Add a new Action: Creating a Salesforce Action
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the Push Action settings under File Attachments
  5. Sync attachments as a new Salesforce record. This section will only appear for Salesforce objects that can accept an attachment. You can add one or all attachment types to the Salesforce object.
  6. Select the Attach File task that you wish to be pushed as an attachment