
How to Create a Dynamic Email Attachment

In addition to customizing an email message, SurveyMonkey Apply's piping functionality can also be used to dynamically insert text into a .docx document. So if you need your applicants to sign contracts or want to send them acceptance letters, you can customize the document for each recipient.

A dynamic attachment, also known as a dynamic document, can be set up on both Manual Emails and Automated Emails.

  1. Select the activation of the automation based on when this document should be sent. For example, when the application moves to the Awarded/Accepted Stage.
  2. Set any necessary conditions, if applicable
  3. Add an action to Send an Email
  4. Compose your email as necessary, and you can save the automation without activating it
  1. Select the Applications/ Users you wish to send the email to
  2. Compose your email as necessary
  3. Optional: Save your email as a template while you work to create the .docx file

Once you have set this up, you will need to use the Email Piping Tool in the next step.

To create the file:

  1. Start Microsoft Word and turn off automatic spell checking. This step is important because of the way Microsoft changes the underlying XML code when a word is not recognized in the dictionary.
  2. Use the Email Piping Tool to locate the variables you wish to pull. For example, Application ID, Applicant Name, and even reviewer feedback or other form responses from your workflow.
  3. Insert the variable into your email body and then copy/cut and paste into your word document.
  4. Compose and format your document
  5. Save your file as a .docx file type. 

Once you have drafted your document and it contains all your variables. Finish off the process with the following steps:

  1. Open the email that you started in step 1
  2. Beside the Attachments section, click to Browse for your file
  3. Add the .docx file to the attachment
  4. Activate your automation
  5. Save the automation
  6. Test your automation to ensure that everything is populating as expected.
  1. Open the email that you started in step 1
  2. Beside the Attachments section, click to Browse for your file
  3. Add the .docx file to the attachment
  4. Send or Schedule your email