
Collecting Named Content

The majority of your customers will choose to keep their answers to the TechValidate questionnaire anonymous. However, with the Named Asset option, they can explicitly agree to allow you to publish their responses as Named Content Assets.

Enabling this option will attach a separate question at the end of your survey to ask recipients if they would like to allow you to use their full name and company name in content generated by the survey. Follow the instructions below to activate this question:

  1. Go to the Select Project Options tab within your survey.
  2. Under Named Content, check the box next to Ask participants if they're willing to let their full name and company be used in asset attribution.
  3. Click Save.

If your customer checks the box for Yes, it's ok to use my name and company in published survey results. they will be prompted to edit their contact information, if needed. If they leave the box unchecked, any content you produce from their response will automatically be anonymous.