
OAuth: Best Practices

Invited users (recommenders, collaborators) will sign in through native login as there is no guarantee that the SSO-related email address will be used. These types of users should access the site through their invited email or through the SurveyMonkey Apply Log In button.

Administrators without an SSO account login can still sign in to the site through the SM Apply login. To access the sign-on page you can also add /admin/ to the end of the site's URL. For example:

If you are looking to bring information through the SSO to populate custom fields on Apply, there are a few things to note. First, custom fields should be created in Apply before the SSO is configured. This way, you will know the exact titles of the custom fields.

In the SSO configuration, Apply checks the name of the property against what Custom Fields are in the site, and the Custom Field is populated. In the event that the Custom Field is not an exact match to the property you are sending over, a new Custom Field will be created. For example, if you pass us “address”, but the custom field on Apply is “Address”, a new custom field will be created. Therefore, ensure the properties you are passing are an exact match to the Apply custom field. 

Custom Fields are often used in Automations or Piping, which is why it is best practice to create them beforehand instead of creating them through the SSO. This ensures the piping variable or custom field can be used during the configuration of your Apply site and stays consistent throughout.

Key contact details for the main individual implementing the SSO integration on your end should be provided to your Implementation Specialist.